Yesterday Victoria, Abby and I spent our afternoon hiking. It was sunny and only a little brisk when we left the house in Bellingham but as we drove up the five mile "primitive road" to the trailhead an hour later, the temps had dropped and there was a steady drizzle. It didn't help that we started our hike so late in the day that everyone else on the trail was heading home! Nevertheless, we pressed on, trying to keep our spirits high even when the rain got worse.
Finally, after a couple hours of hiking, Vic had turned back to the car and Abby and I had gotten to where we could at least SEE the summit. It was still a mile and a half away and it was late in the day so we decided to turn back too.
Even if it wasn't the most successful hike, we had fun anyway. Warm dinner and hot showers were definitely in order when we got home!